Earn more with your website as a Hvr Sitepartner

Beyond the increased engagement and discovery benefits that Hvr offers, earn commissions and recurring revenue as a Hvr Sitepartner.

How much can you make in commissions?


Earn a $0.50 commission when people sign up via the links you share from Hvr.

Active Users

Earn a $1.50 commission when the users you’ve signed up open Hvr once a week for 3 consecutive weeks.


Sitepartner referrals

If your signups become Sitepartners, you earn $1.00 on each of their first 250 active users.

1. Publish as usual

Continue to post great content to your website.

2. Share from Hvr

Open the URL you just published in Hvr and share it to social media from there.

3. Get paid and gain followers

Earn when people sign up through your links and see your followers grow.

How do the links you share from Hvr work?

How much can you make in recurring revenue?

Hvr’s primary sources of revenue will be in-feed advertising, e-commerce, and subscription services.

Why share the web from anywhere else?

Sign up as a Hvr Sitepartner

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